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Four-Year Alim Course

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Four-Year Alim Course

This four-year course will comprise of 8 semesters. One semester lasts for six months, but each semester is supposed to cover the subject matter of one year. This course covers almost all the books of Dars-e-Nizami. Only a few books have been left out. For example, only the contents of Hidayat al-Nahware included to teach the Ilm-al-Nahw, while the Kafiya and Sharh Jaami have been left out.

Similarly, some topics are repeatedly discussed in different books. This repetition has been removed. For example, the chapter of salah is taught from Mala Budda Minh to Al-Hidayah in the long syllabus. The curriculum under discussion includes all the books, but it avoids repetition. If the chapter of salah is taught in Sharh al-Wiqayah, it will not be taught in the Al-Hidayah. In the Al-Hidayah, only other subjects will be taught which were not taught in Sharh al-WIqayah.

This curriculum also includes secular sciences along with religious ones. For secular sciences, the books have been prescribed from the syllabus of NIOS. In the second year of the course, every student is supposed to appear in the 10thexam of the open school, and at the end of the fourth year, they are supposed to sit in the inter examination of the open school.

The madrasas established on the middle path between Aligarh Muslim University and Darul Uloom Deoabnddid include secular sciences in their curriculum. But they never paid attention to help the students take examinations held by an approved board. As a result, when the graduates of these madrasas want to get higher education in the college and universities, they don’t find any base for the same and they face different problems. Therefore, this course does not only include secular subjects, but also it is compulsory for its students to take the exams of open school. If the graduates of this course want to get further education in the universities, they have 12thcertificate as a base, and they don’t need to roam about in search of any other bases.

There are many short-termcourses available in the country. But what distinguishes our course from others is the fact it does not only have secular sciences in the curriculum, but also students are supposed to sit in the 10thand 12thexamination. Another distinction of the course is that it covers almost all the books of Dars-e-Nizami or Darul Uloom Deoband. Only repetition portions have been left out to make it shorter.

After completion of four years of this course, the students will have all the options open for them. If they wish to join a university, they will find the door of university open for them. But in case they wish to join leading madrasas like Darul Uloom Deoband and Nadwatul Ulama and do the Almiyat and specialization courses, they can also do so.

Semester Wise Four-Year Syllabus

First Semester

S. No. Subject Book Matter
1 Arabic Language Asaan Abi, Part 1 Miftah al-Arabiyah, Vol. 1, 2, AL-Qira’at al-Wadihah, Vol. 1, Durus al-Lughah
2 Persian Farsi ki Pahli, Amad Namah, Taisir al-Mubtadi
3 Aqa’yed Asaan Aqeedah, Vol. 1 Belief in Allah, Angels, and the Books
4 Islamic Rulings Asaan Fiqh, Vol. 1 Purification, Rulings Pertaining to Salah
5 Ilm Al-Nahw (Arabic Syntax) Asaan Nahw, vol. 1 Subject matters of Nahw Meer and Sharh Mi’at Aamil
6 Ilm Al-Sarf (Arabic Morphology) Asaan Sarf, vol. 1 Subject matters of Meezan, Munsha’ib, Panj Ganj
7 Seerat (Biography of the Prophet (saws)) Rahmat-e-Aalam Assignment and Presentation
8 Tajweed (Arabic Phonology) Tasheel al-Tajweed
9 Hifzul-e-Hadith, vol. 50 ahadith with translation
Secular sciences
S. No. Subject Standard School/Board
1 English Class-10 NIOS
2 Urdu Class-10 NIOS
3 Social Science Class-10 NIOS
4 Data Entry Operation Class-10 NIOS
5 Economics Class-10 NIOS

Second Semester

S. No. Subject Books Matter
1 Arabic Language Asaan Arabi, vol. 2 Al-Qira’at al-Wadihah, vol. 2, Nafhat al-Adab, selected lessons from Durus al-Lughah al-Arabiah, vol. 2
2 Aqayed Asaan Aqeedah, vol. 2 Belief in the prophets, hereafter and fate
3 Islamic Rulings Asaan Fiqh, vol. 2 Rulings pertaining to Fasting, Zakah, Hajj
4 Persian Gulzar-e-Dabistan (complete), Gulsitan-e-S’adi, Chapter 8, Kareemah (complete)
5 Ilm al-Nahw Asaan Nahw, vol. 2 Subject matter of Hidayat al-Nahw
6 Ilm al-Sarf Asaan Sarf, vol. 2
7 Seerat (biography) Seerat Khulafa-e-Rashideen Assignment and Presentation
8 Qira’at Practice of Qur’anic Recitation
9 Hifz-e- Hadith, vol. 2 50 ahadith with translation
Secular sciences
S. No. Subject Standard School
1 English Class-10 NIOS
2 Urdu Class-10 NIOS
3 Social Sciences Class-10 NIOS
4 Data Entry Class-10 NIOS
5 Economics Class-10 NIOS

Third Semester

S. No. Subject Books Matter
1 Arabic Language Assan Arabi, vol. 3 Al-Qira’at al-Wadihah, vol. 3, selected lessons from Durus al-Lughah al-Arabiah
2 Usul Fiqh (Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence) Asaan Usul Fiqh (complete along with workbook) Khalid Saifullah Rahmani
3 Translation of the Qur’an Parts 29, 30 Understand Qur’an Academy
4 Ilm al-Nahw Shudhur al-Dhahab (with work book) Complete
5 Fiqh Al-Fiqh al-Muyassar (with work book) From the chapter of purification to Hajj
6 History Umaiyad and Abbasids Assignment and Presentation
7 Hifz-e-Hadith, vol. 3 50 ahadith with translation
Secular sciences
S. No. Subject Standard School
1 English Class-10 NIOS
2 Urdu Class-10 NIOS
3 Social Sciences Class-10 NIOS
4 Data Entry Class-10 NIOS
5 Economics Class-10 NIOS

Fourth Semester

S. No. Subject Books Matter
1 Arabic Language Nafhat al-Arab (with work book) Ezaz Ali
2 Fiqh Al-Fiqh al-Muyassar (work book) From chapter of marriage to end
3 Usul Fiqh Tasheel al-Usool (with work book) Reyasat Ali Bijnauri, Nematullah al-Azmi
4 Exegesis and Translation of the Qur’an Tafseer Jalalain First five parts
5 Hadith Mishkat al-Masabih First one-third (without repetition)
6 Balaghat Durus al-Balaghah (with work book) Different authors
7 History Khilafat Osmania Assignment and Presentation
8 Logic Al-Mirqat
9 Hifz-e-Hadith, vol. 3 50 ahadith with translation
Secular sciences
S. No. Subject Standard School
1 English Class-10 NIOS
2 Urdu Class-10 NIOS
3 Social Sciences Class-10 NIOS
4 Data Entry Class-10 NIOS
5 Economics Class-10 NIOS

Fifth Semester

S. No. Subject Books Matter
1 Translation and Exegesis of the Qur’an Tafseer al-Jalalain From part 6 to part 15
2 Fiqh Hidayah, vol. 1 complete Easy version
3 Usool Fiqh Usool Al-ShaShi complete along with work book Easy version
4 Hadith Mishkat al-Masabih Second third (abridged, without repetition)
5 Arabic literature Manthuraat min Adab al-Arab (with work book) Rabey Hasani Nadvi
6 UsoolTafseer Asaan Usool Tafsir (Urdu) Mufti Sameeur Rahman
7 Hifz-e-Hadith, vol. 3 50 ahadith with translation
Further study History Tarikh-e-Hind (Arrival of Islam in India, Muslim rule and the Mughal Period) Assignment and Presentation
Secular sciences
S. No. Subject Standard School
1 English Class-12 NIOS
2 Urdu Class-12 NIOS
3 History Class-12 NIOS
4 Political Science Class-12 NIOS
5 Sociology Class-12 NIOS

Sixth Semester

S. No. Subject Books Matter
1 Tafseer Tafseer al-Jalalain From part 16 to part 28
2 UsoolTafseer Al-Fauz al-Kabir (with work book) Shah Waliullah
3 Fiqh Hidaya, vol. 2 Easy version
4 Hadith Mishkat al-Masabih Last third (abridged version without repetition)
5 Arabic Literature Qasayed Muntakhabah Dewaan Mutanabbi (with work book) Abridged
6 Usool Hadith Asaan Usool Hadith (Urdu) Khalid Saifullah Rahmani
7 Nukhbah al-Fikar Ibn Hajar Asqalani
Further study History British period and the history of freedom struggle in India (compiled and selected)
Secular sciences
S. No. Subject Standard School
1 English Class-12 NIOS
2 Urdu Class-12 NIOS
3 History Class-12 NIOS
4 Political Sciences Class-12 NIOS
5 Sociology Class-12 NIOS

Seventh Semester

S. No. Subject Books Matter
1 Aqayed Min Aqeedah al-Tahavi wal-Nasafi (with work book) Separate book based on these two
2 Tafseer Ibn Kathir (Arabic) Abridge
3 Hadith Sunan Nasai Kitab al-Qasamah, Qata’ al-Sariq, Adaab al-Qada, Isti’adhah, Ashribah
4 Hadith Ibn Majah Abwab al-Tijaraat, Al-Tib, Al-Libas, Al-Adab, Al-Zuhd
5 Hadith Muwatta Imam Malik Selected portion
6 Hadith Sharh Ma’ani al-Aathar
7 Hadith Shamayel Tirmidhi (complete)
8 Usool Hadith Muqaddamah Imam Muslim (with work book)
9 Fara’id Siraji (complete along with work book)
Further study Study of regions Major religions of the world Assignments and Presentation
Secular sciences
S. No. Subject Standard School
1 English Class-12 NIOS
2 Urdu Class-12 NIOS
3 History Class-12 NIOS
4 Political Sciences Class-12 NIOS
5 Sociology Class-12 NIOS

Eighth Semester

S. No. Subject Books Matter
1 Hadith Sahih Bukhari Vol. 1
2 Hadith Sahih Bukhari, vol. 2
3 Hadith Sahih Muslim, vol. 1 Selected chapters
4 Hadith Sahih Muslim, vol. 2 Selected chapters
5 Hadith Sunan Abi Dawood Selected chapters
6 Hadith Sunan Tirmidhi Selected chapters
7 Paper writing On any topic of hadith In no less than 10,000 words
Secular sciences
S. No. Subject Standard School
1 English Class-12 NIOS
2 Urdu Class-12 NIOS
3 History Class-12 NIOS
4 Political Sciences Class-12 NIOS
5 Sociology Class-12 NIOS

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