8-1-347/B/10, Rahul Colony Phase 2, Shaikhpet, Golkonda, Hyderabad 500008 TG everestsociety456@gmail.com 9885289652

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Muslims suffereda major defeat in the 1857 war against the Britishrule and it followed by the arrival of Christian preachers from England to India in large number. Under their evil conspiracy, the Britishdecided to convert the Indian Muslims to Christianity. Their motive was to repeat, by eradicating Islam and Muslims, the history of Andalusia in India too.Sensing the gravity of the situation, theimpecunious butfar-sighted Ulama of that time spread the strong network of madrasas throughout the country, so as to protect Islam and religious identity of Muslims.

These madrasas began to infuse in the young minds of the community passion for freedom and spirit tosacrifice their lives for the safeguard of their country and faith. Theiraim was purely to save this country from going through the painful and grievous destructions as was done in Andalusia and Granada. These madrasas established by the pious clerics are, by the grace of Allah, hundred percent successful in their objectives. Pious Ulama and Islamic scholars who preached and promoted the Religion of Truth not only in India, but throughout the world were productions of these very madrasas.

The Islamic madrasas are indeed strong fortresses of Islam. Had there not been these madrasas, it would have been impossible to save the religious identity of Muslims and the symbolic rituals of Islam in the subcontinent of India. The religious seminaries are in fact like the powerhouses which supplyenergy to the entire Muslim community and they imbue spirit in the lifeless bodies of the Muslims. Importance of the Islamic madrasas can be denied only by those who have little knowledge of the history of Islam and Muslims and are negligenttowards their faith and belief.

These madrasas are indeed completely successful in their objectives. But the religious seminaries established by the pious Ulama at that time provided only religious education, because the then situation of the country demanded focused attention to safeguard the faith of Muslims. Owing to this, they included only religious sciences in the curriculum of those madrasas, as protection of the faith alone lay in their view at that time. But a study of the history suggests that our syllabus had not been as such since early period of Islam. The curriculum of our educational institutes during the period when Muslims flourished in the world did not limit itselfto religious sciences only. As a matter of fact, the same institutes provided both religious as well as secular education at the same time. It is this reason why those institutes produced renowned exegetes of the Qur’an, hadith scholars and jurists on one hand; on the other hand, they also groomed towering figures in the field of logic, medicine and philosophy. A study of the Indian history also suggests that the current curriculum was not customary even in India before arrival of the British. We had a unitarycurriculumwhich delivered education of both, religious and secular sciences. Our madrasas produced well versed engineers and medical doctors too. Maulana Muhammad Qasim Nanavtwi and Sir Syed Ahmad Khan were the products of the same madrasa. The first established a religious seminary, while the latter founded a college and a university. Some graduates used to become renowned Qur’an and hadith scholars on one hand; contrary to that,other graduatesfrom the same madrasas turned to be architect of the magnificent and wonderful structures like Taj Mahal and Red Fort. It was a curse of the British arrival that destroyed our education system;and the Muslim community eventually divided into two groups;graduates of the religious seminaries and graduates of the secular universities. The tragedy is that the madrasa-going class of the Muslim community according to survey report comprises of only 3 to 4 percents of the total population, while the rest 96 percents attend schools and colleges and remain deprived of the religious education. It is indeed a matter of grief that only four percents of the Muslims are able to learn Islam and somehow understand its teachings. The remaining 96 to 97 percents stay unaware of their faith and detached from its teaching; and they leave for their final abode in the same condition. Our aim is to bring back the same old era and promote the same system of education which prevailed during the early flourishing periods of Islam.

Our aim is to bridge the gap between madrasas and schools and introduce a syllabus which gives due space to the secular sciences along with the religion ones. On the higher level, students may have two open options for them to choose. They can choose the path of secular education, if they wish, or join madrasas like Darul Uloom Deoband, Nadwatul Ulama and Madrasa Nizamiya and get higher education. In order to get greater expertise in the religious sciences, they can do specialization courses as well.

It is never our motive to undermine the importance of the current system of madrasas in India. The role of these madrasas and its yeoman services to safeguard Islam in the subcontinent can never be forgotten. In themselves, they are greatly important. Alongside these madrasas, however, we wish to introduceacurriculumthroughout the country by completing which a person is equipped with religious as well as secular sciences. He/she is, on one hand, able to live a good life in this world; on the other hand, he/she is also able to effectively represent Islam and remove doubts and misconceptions prevailing about it across the world today.